Dinam Lodge

Dinam Lodge meets on 4th Thursday September and March, 3rd Thursday December, 3rd Saturday June at Penarth Masonic Hall, Stanwell Road, Penarth

Dinam Lodge was established in 1923 for the medical staff and officers of the ‘King Edward VII Welsh National Memorial Association’ for the care, treatment and eradiction of tuberculosis in Wales, and its members still retain a medical connection, and is open to all. We make good men better; through fraternal friendship & support, teamwork, supporting charities, and searching for Masonic Light & Truth.

We organise many social events and activities and have fun. If you are interested in knowing more, please ask, as we are quite open about what we do and would be happy to give you more information.

Visitors & New Members welcome.

Contact us:

Twitter @

Email: roy4521@aol.com
